While, 2021 was not quite as free as we would have liked it to have been, it was certainly better than 2020. The cloak of Covid was not always present, and there were certainly moments in the dance tent at Wilderness Festival or on our stand at Red Rooster that it was the furthest thing from our minds. We loved getting out and about again and seeing the reaction of peoples faces, most notably in Dublin when people set eyes on a Talolo Boot for the first time. - "Those are deadly, they cannot be wellies! I need some for the Gareth Brooks concert next year!"
With the New Year, comes new plans, as to where we will head this year and which festivals to attend, most importantly which festivals that will be rainy. If only we could predict that. We, and possibly the trackway suppliers are the only people who do a rain dance before festivals! We love the festivals that are rich in diversity, cultural entertainment and of course music. There are just so many wonderful ones to choose from.
Do we head back to the polo scene, the dog showing scene, the Christmas fairs and the county shows? There is so much to choose from, we could literally be away all year. Someone needs to stay in the office to develop new styles, manage the website, drive the sales and marketing and look after an exciting collection of shops throughout the UK/ Eire that we look forward to working with this year.
We will be following the International Fashion weeks with interest in February to work out styles and themes for the next few years. Next stop is launching our long awaited new designs for Spring Summer '22 that will be with us very soon.
Watch out for our festival guide, our out and about with Talolo blog and our diary of where we will be and where we hope to catch up with you.
Wishing you a very Happy 2022 (even though we are nearly in Feb now!)
Best wishes,
Lucy and Phillipa